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2024-05-29 15:40:26 +08:00
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2024-05-30 17:06:23 +08:00
显示第 {{ page_obj.start_index }} 到第 {{ page_obj.end_index }} 项,共 {{ page_obj.paginator.count }} 项
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2024-05-30 17:06:23 +08:00
<li class="paginate_button page-item {% if not page_obj.has_previous %}disabled{% endif %}">
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<span class="page-link">上一页</span>
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<li class="paginate_button page-item {% if num == current %}active{% endif %}">
<a href="?page={{ num }}{{ query_params }}" aria-controls="single-select" tabindex="0" class="page-link">{{ num }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
<li class="paginate_button page-item {% if not page_obj.has_next %}disabled{% endif %}" id="single-select_next">
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{% if page_obj.has_next %}
<a href="?page={{ max_pages }}{{ query_params }}"
{% else %}
<span class="page-link">尾页</span>
{% endif %}
2024-05-29 15:40:26 +08:00
2024-05-30 17:06:23 +08:00
<!-- 其他分页代码... -->
{% endwith %}
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2024-05-30 17:33:51 +08:00