
303 lines
12 KiB

;(function($, db) {
var Note; // Initialize note
* Format timestamp in a specified format
* @param {int} time Time in integer format
* @return {string} Formated time string
function _formatDate(time) {
return moment(Number(time)).format('DD MMMM YYYY, h:mm a');
* Escape HTML tags
* @param {string} html Unescaped content
* @return {string} HTML escaped content
function _escapeHtml(html) {
return $('<div />').text(html).html();
// Debouncer to imporve performance
function _debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
var timeout;
return function() {
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function() {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
Note = {
// DOM selectors
$list: $('#Note-list'), // Note list wrapper
$pad: $('#Note-pad'), // Note writing box
$created: $('#Note-created__date'), // Note created date holder
$add: $('.Note-add'), // Note create button
$search: $('#Note-search'), // Note search box
_length: 0, // Length of notes
_lastIndex: 0, // Last note index
_PREFIX: 'TB', // DB record key prefix
_UID_SEPERATOR: '-', // Seperator between prefix and index
init: function() {
// Event must be called before render
* Render full note list
* @return {object} Note module object
render: function() {
var templates = [];
Note._length = 0;
* Loop through all DB entry and prepare only valid note for output
* @param {string} key DB entry key
* @param {object} entry DB entry object
* @return {void}
db.forEach(function(key, entry) {
if (Note._isValid(key)) {
if (entry.id > Note._lastIndex) {
Note._lastIndex = entry.id;
return this;
* Bind event listeners to DOM elements
addEvents: function() {
// Note open handler
Note.$list.on('click', '.Note', function() {
var note = $(this),
noteWrapper = note.parent(),
id = note.data('uid');
if (id) Note.open(id);
// Note delete handler
Note.$list.on('click', '.Note-delete', function(e) {
Note.$pad.val(' ');
if (!Note._length) {
// Note create handler
Note.$add.on('click', function(e) {
// Create a note on focus if there is no note
Note.$pad.on('focus', function() {
if (!Note._length) {
// Update note on keyup
Note.$pad.on('keyup', _debounce(function(e) {
var title,
content = Note.$pad.val(),
$note = $('.Note[data-uid="' + Note.$pad.data('uid') + '"');
if (-1 !== content.indexOf('\n')) {
title = content.slice(0, content.indexOf('\n'));
Note.update(Note.$pad.data('uid'), {title:title, content:content});
$note.find('.Note__desc').text(Note._getPartialContent(content, title));
}, 200));
// Search note
Note.$search.on('keyup', _debounce(function() {
}, 200));
* Create note
* @param {object} data Note data object
* @return {object} Note module object
create: function(data) {
if ('object' !== $.type(data)) {
return new Error('Invalid data. Object expected.');
var defaults = {
id: ++Note._lastIndex,
title: 'Note Title',
content: '',
time: new Date().getTime()
$.extend(defaults, data);
store.set(Note._getUID(defaults.id), defaults);
return this;
* Update note
* @param {string} key Note record key
* @param {object} note Note data object
* @return {object} Note module object
update: function(key, note) {
if (!Note._isValid(key)) {
return new Error('Invalid note key.');
db.transact(key, function(old) {
old = $.extend(old, note);
return this;
* Delete note
* @param {string} key Note record key
* @return {object} Note module object
delete: function(key) {
if (!Note._isValid(key)) {
return new Error('Invalid note key.');
return this;
* Open note to writing box and setup UI
* @param {string} key Note record key
* @return {object} Note module object
open: function(key) {
if (!Note._isValid(key)) {
return new Error('Invalid note key.');
var note = db.get(key);
Note.$pad.val(note.content).data('uid', Note._getUID(note.id));
return this;
* Search note in DB and render search result
* @param {string} term Search term given by user
* @return {void}
search: function(term) {
var templates = [], termRegx = new RegExp(term, 'gi');
db.forEach(function(key, entry) {
if (Note._isValid(key) && (termRegx.test(entry.content) || termRegx.test(entry.title))) {
* Render note list and select first note
* @param {array} templates Array of complied note templates
* @return {void}
_renderList: function(templates) {
templates.length || Note.$pad.val(''); // Clear note pad when there is no note
* Get note list item HTML template
* @param {object} data Single note object
* @return {string} Output ready note list item
_getNoteTemplate: function(data) {
var template = '<li class="list-group-item">'
+ '<button class="Note-delete" data-uid="' + Note._getUID(data.id) + '" type="button">x</button>'
+ '<div class="Note" data-uid="' + Note._getUID(data.id) + '">'
+ '<div class="Note__name">' + _escapeHtml(data.title) + '</div>'
+ '<div class="Note__desc">' + _escapeHtml(Note._getPartialContent(data.content, data.title)) + '</div>'
+ '<span class="Note__date">' + _formatDate(data.time) + '</span>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</li>';
return template;
_getPartialContent: function(content, title) {
return content.slice(title.length);
// Generate UID
_getUID: function(id) {
return Note._PREFIX + Note._UID_SEPERATOR + id;
* Check note entry validity
* @param {string} key Entry key
* @return {Boolean} Check if it is valid note entry
_isValid: function(key) {
return key && (String(key).indexOf(Note._PREFIX) === 0);
* Only for demo purpose, feel free to delete
if (!db.get('demo_imported')) {
var demoNotes = [{
title: 'The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost',
content: 'The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost\n\nTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood,\nAnd sorry I could not travel both\nAnd be one traveler, long I stood\nAnd looked down one as far as I could\nTo where it bent in the undergrowth;\nThen took the other, as just as fair,\nAnd having perhaps the better claim,\nBecause it was grassy and wanted wear;\nThough as for that the passing there\nHad worn them really about the same,\nAnd both that morning equally lay\nIn leaves no step had trodden black.\nOh, I kept the first for another day!\nYet knowing how way leads on to way,\nI doubted if I should ever come back.\nI shall be telling this with a sigh\nSomewhere ages and ages hence:\nTwo roads diverged in a wood, and I-\nI took the one less traveled by,\nAnd that has made all the difference.'
title: 'To My Wife - With A Copy Of My Poems by Oscar Wilde',
content: 'To My Wife - With A Copy Of My Poems by Oscar Wilde\n\nI can write no stately proem\nAs a prelude to my lay;\nFrom a poet to a poem\nI would dare to say.\n\nFor if of these fallen petals\nOne to you seem fair,\nLove will waft it till it settles\nOn your hair.\n\nAnd when wind and winter harden\nAll the loveless land,\nIt will whisper of the garden,\nYou will understand.'
title: 'All the World\'s a Stage by William Shakespeare',
content: 'All the World\'s a Stage by William Shakespeare\n\nAll the world\'s a stage,\nAnd all the men and women merely players;\nThey have their exits and their entrances,\nAnd one man in his time plays many parts,\nHis acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,\nMewling and puking in the nurse\'s arms.\nThen the whining schoolboy, with his satchel\nAnd shining morning face, creeping like snail\nUnwillingly to school. And then the lover,\nSighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad\nMade to his mistress\' eyebrow. Then a soldier,\nFull of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,\nJealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,\nSeeking the bubble reputation\nEven in the cannon\'s mouth. And then the justice,\nIn fair round belly with good capon lined,\nWith eyes severe and beard of formal cut,\nFull of wise saws and modern instances;\nAnd so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts\nInto the lean and slippered pantaloon,\nWith spectacles on nose and pouch on side;\nHis youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide\nFor his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,\nTurning again toward childish treble, pipes\nAnd whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,\nThat ends this strange eventful history,\nIs second childishness and mere oblivion,\nSans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.'
demoNotes.forEach(function(demoNote) {
db.set('demo_imported', true);
window.TB_Note = Note;
})(jQuery, store);