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import datetime
import os.path
import re
import time
from ahocorasick import Automaton
from docx.enum.text import WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT
from docx.oxml.ns import qn
from docx.shared import Pt, Length, Inches
from docxtpl import DocxTemplate
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException
from sqlalchemy import cast, DATE, func, or_, and_
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from starlette.responses import FileResponse
from docx import Document
from Crud.UserCrud import get_department_config
from Models.DepartmentModel import Department
from Models.UserModel import User
from Mods.Notice.Utils import DailyNotice, daily_notice
from Schemas.DailySchemas import DailyTypeEnum
from Schemas.UserSchemas import TokenData
from Utils.AuthUtils import token_data_depend, check_auth, registered_depend
from Models.DailyModel import Daily
from Utils.CrudUtils import auto_create_crud
import json
from Schemas import DailySchemas
from Crud import DailyCrud
from Utils.SqlAlchemyUtils import get_db, QueryParams, query_common
import pandas as pd
router = APIRouter(
# crud = auto_create_crud(Daily, 'daily', "日报", auto_create_keys=['create_time', 'update_time', 'id'],
# array_keys=['department', 'post'])
# crud.mount(router)
@router.post("/daily_get", response_model=DailySchemas.DailyGetRes, summary="获取日报")
def daily_get(req: DailySchemas.DailyGetReq, db: Session = Depends(get_db),
# token_data: TokenData = Depends(registered_depend)
item = DailyCrud.daily_get(db, req.id)
comments = None
if item.comments:
comments = [DailySchemas.CommentInfo(**comment.to_with_user_dict()) for comment in item.comments]
if not item:
raise HTTPException(detail="未取到信息")
return DailySchemas.DailyGetRes(**item.to_dict(), comments=comments)
json_filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Config', 'sensitive_word.json')
# 将列表保存为 json 文件
with open(json_filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
words = json.load(json_file)
class SensitiveWordChecker:
def __init__(self, sensitive_words):
self.automaton = Automaton()
for idx, word in enumerate(sensitive_words):
self.automaton.add_word(word, (idx, word))
def check(self, text):
return {item for _, item in self.automaton.iter(text)}
checker = SensitiveWordChecker(words)
@router.post("/daily_add", response_model=DailySchemas.DailyAddRes, summary="添加日报")
def daily_add(req: DailySchemas.DailyAddReq, db: Session = Depends(get_db),
token_data: TokenData = Depends(token_data_depend)):
# if db.query(Daily).filter(
# Daily.type == DailyTypeEnum.部门子公司日报 and Daily.fill_user == token_data.email and cast(
# Daily.daily_time,
# DATE) == datetime.date.today()).first():
if req.type== DailyTypeEnum.部门子公司日报 and db.query(Daily).filter(
and_(Daily.type == DailyTypeEnum.部门子公司日报, Daily.fill_user == token_data.email), cast(
DATE) == datetime.date.today()
raise HTTPException(detail="今日日报已提交,若需修改请在原日报上修改", status_code=305)
if req.content:
bad_words = [item[1] for item in checker.check(req.content)]
if bad_words:
raise HTTPException(detail=f"内容包含敏感词:{','.join(bad_words)}", status_code=305)
if req.fill_user != token_data.email:
raise HTTPException(detail="填报人与email不符", status_code=305)
# 本部门填报权限
# print(token_data.department, token_data, "token_data.departmentxx")
# if str(req.department) not in token_data.department and not check_auth(token_data.auth_data, ['7']):
# raise HTTPException(detail="没有本部门填报权限", status_code=305)
new_daily = DailyCrud.daily_add(db, req.dict())
if req.type == DailyTypeEnum.运行日报:
return DailySchemas.DailyAddRes(**new_daily.to_dict())
@router.post("/daily_change", response_model=DailySchemas.DailyChangeRes, summary="修改日报")
def daily_change(req: DailySchemas.DailyChangeReq, db: Session = Depends(get_db),
token_data: TokenData = Depends(registered_depend)):
# 本部门填报权限
# if str(req.department) not in token_data.department and not check_auth(token_data.auth_data, ['7']):
# raise HTTPException(detail="没有本部门填报权限", status_code=305)
new_daily = DailyCrud.daily_change(db, req.id, req.dict())
if not new_daily:
raise HTTPException(detail="原日报不存在或已删除",status_code=404)
return DailySchemas.DailyChangeRes(**new_daily.to_dict())
@router.post("/daily_query", response_model=DailySchemas.DailyQueryRes, summary="查询日报")
def daily_query(req: DailySchemas.DailyQuery, db: Session = Depends(get_db),
token_data: TokenData = Depends(registered_depend)):
# print(req, "req")
# 董监高日报动态查看 = check_auth(token_data.auth_data, [1])
# 所有部门动态查看 = check_auth(token_data.auth_data, [2])
# if req.type == DailyTypeEnum.董监高日报:
# if not 董监高日报动态查看:
# raise HTTPException(detail="无董监高日报动态查看权限", status_code=305)
# if req.type == DailyTypeEnum.部门子公司日报:
# if not 所有部门动态查看:
# if not req.department:
# raise HTTPException(detail="无所有部门动态查看权限", status_code=305)
# if req.department not in [int(item) for item in token_data.department.split(',')]:
# raise HTTPException(detail="没有该部门动态查看权限", status_code=305)
# same_department = set([req.department]) < set([int(item) for item in token_data.department.split(',')])
# if same_department and not check_auth(token_data.auth_data, [3]):
# raise HTTPException(detail="没有本部门动态查看权限", status_code=305)
count, items = DailyCrud.daily_query(db, req, token_data)
# new_items=[]
# for item in items:
# try:
# new_items.append(DailySchemas.DailyInfo(**item.to_dict()))
# except Exception as e:
# raise e
# print(e)
# print(item)
# print('xxxxx',item.to_dict())
items = [DailySchemas.DailyInfo(**item.to_dict()) for item in items]
return DailySchemas.DailyQueryRes(count=count, items=items)
@router.post("/daily_delete", response_model=DailySchemas.DailyDeleteRes, summary="删除日报")
def daily_delete(req: DailySchemas.DailyDeleteReq, db: Session = Depends(get_db), ):
DailyCrud.daily_delete(db, req.id)
return DailySchemas.DailyDeleteRes(msg="删除成功", state=1)
@router.post("/daily_export", summary="日报导出")
def daily_export(req: QueryParams, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
count, query = query_common(db, Daily, req)
query = query.order_by(Daily.daily_time.desc())
department_name_dic = {item.id: item.name for item in db.query(Department).limit(1000).all()}
daily_items = []
for item in query:
daily_item = {"日报类型": item.type.name,
"填报人": item.user_info.name,
"部门": department_name_dic.get(item.department), "标题": item.title,
"内容": item.content, "填报时间": item.daily_time}
temp_path = "static_data/daily_out_temp"
if not os.path.exists(temp_path):
file_name = f"{time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}.xlsx"
file_path = f"{temp_path}/{file_name}"
pd.DataFrame(daily_items).to_excel(file_path, index=False)
return {"url": "/" + file_path}
# return FileResponse(
# path=file_path, headers={'Content-Disposition': f'attachment; filename="{file_name}"'}, filename=file_name)
# @router.post("/daily_export_to_pdf", summary="每日运行日报导出")
# def daily_export_to_pdf(req: DailySchemas.DailyExportToPdfReq, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
# query = db.query(Daily).filter(cast(Daily.daily_time, DATE) == cast(req.day, DATE))
# query = query.order_by(Daily.daily_time.desc())
# department_name_dic = {item.id: item.name for item in db.query(Department).all()}
# daily_items = []
# for item in query:
# daily_item = {"日报类型": item.type.name,
# "填报人": item.user_info.name,
# "部门": department_name_dic.get(item.department), "标题": item.title,
# "内容": item.content, "填报时间": item.daily_time}
# daily_items.append(daily_item)
# temp_path = "static_data/daily_out_temp"
# if not os.path.exists(temp_path):
# os.makedirs(temp_path)
# file_name = f"{time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')}.xlsx"
# file_path = f"{temp_path}/{file_name}"
# pd.DataFrame(daily_items).to_excel(file_path, index=False)
# return {"url": "/" + file_path}
# return FileResponse(
# path=file_path, headers={'Content-Disposition': f'attachment; filename="{file_name}"'}, filename=file_name)
@router.post("/daily_export_to_pdf", summary="每日运行日报导出")
def daily_export_to_pdf(req: DailySchemas.DailyExportToPdfReq, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
req.day = req.day + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
query = db.query(Daily).filter(cast(Daily.daily_time, DATE) == cast(req.day, DATE))
query = query.order_by(Daily.daily_time.desc())
department_name_dic = {item.id: item.name for item in db.query(Department).all()}
daily_items = dict()
daily_items['董监高日报'] = list()
daily_items['部门子公司日报'] = list()
daily_items['监管和同业动态'] = list()
daily_items['行业信息专题分析'] = list()
for item in query:
daily_item = {"日报类型": item.type.name,
"填报人": item.user_info.name,
"部门": department_name_dic.get(item.department),
"内容": item.content,
"分类": item.sub_type,
"填报时间": item.daily_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}
if item.type.name == '董监高日报':
elif item.type.name == '部门子公司日报':
elif item.type.name == '监管和同业动态':
elif item.type.name == '行业信息专题分析':
with open(os.getcwd() + "\\Config\\word_data_temp.json", encoding='utf-8') as f:
temp = json.load(f)
department_id = [item.id for item in db.query(Department).filter(Department.type == '董监高')]
leaders = db.query(User).filter(or_(*[func.find_in_set(str(d_id), User.department) for d_id in department_id]))
config = {
'领导动态': [item.name for item in leaders],
'部门分类': get_department_config(db)
def generate_template():
with open(os.getcwd() + "\\Config\\word_data_template.json", encoding='utf-8') as f:
template = json.load(f)
def list_write_docx(write_list, tep_doc):
for inx in range(len(write_list)):
for para in tep_doc.paragraphs:
# 检查上一段是否包含特定文字
if write_list[inx] in para.text:
""" 在给定的段落之后插入一个新的段落 """
new_paragraph = Document().add_paragraph()
new_run = new_paragraph.add_run(write_list[inx + 1])
# 设置字体样式
new_run.font.name = '仿宋' # 字体
new_run._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), '仿宋')
new_run.font.size = Pt(16) # 字号三号字体对应16磅
new_paragraph.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.LEFT
# 设置首行缩进1英寸约等于28.35磅2字符约等于1/2英寸
new_paragraph.paragraph_format.first_line_indent = Inches(2 * 0.56 / 2.54)
# 设置段落前缩进1英寸约等于2.54厘米
new_paragraph.paragraph_format.left_indent = Inches(1.09 / 2.54)
# 设置行距
new_paragraph.paragraph_format.line_spacing = Pt(28)
new_element = new_paragraph._element
except IndexError:
# 生成领导模板 => 董事长杨秋岭:{{杨秋岭}}
position = template.get('领导职位')
leader = template.get('公司领导动态')
leader_temp = ['公司领导动态']
for le in leader:
leader_temp.append(position.get(le) + le + '' + '{{{{{}}}}}'.format(le))
# 将数据写入docx中
dt_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Config', 'daily_out_temp.docx')
dt_doc = Document(dt_path)
list_write_docx(write_list=leader_temp, tep_doc=dt_doc)
# 生成各部门和分子公司动态模板
trends = template.get('各部门和分子公司动态')
for key, val in trends.items():
val_list = [key]
for index, item in enumerate(val):
idx = str(index + 1) + '' + item
list_write_docx(write_list=val_list, tep_doc=dt_doc)
dt_doc.save(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Config', 'daily_out_temps.docx'))
def format_conversion(string):
if not string:
return ""
string = string.replace(";", "")
parts = string.split("")
formatted_parts = []
for part in parts:
part = part.replace("", "")
split_part = part.split(".", 1)
if len(split_part) > 1:
# 拼接处理后的部分
formatted_string = "".join(formatted_parts)
return formatted_string
# 处理公司领导动态
lead = temp.get('公司领导动态')
for k1 in lead.keys():
lead_data = daily_items.get('董监高日报')
for item in lead_data:
if item.get('填报人') == k1:
content = item.get('内容')
res = format_conversion(content)
lead[k1] = res + ""
part_dict = {
"业务发展部上海一部": "业务发展部(上海)一部",
"业务发展部上海二部": "业务发展部(上海)二部",
"业务发展部上海三部": "业务发展部(上海)三部",
"业务发展部西南部": "业务发展部(西南)部"
# 处理各部门和分子公司动态
department = temp.get('各部门和分子公司动态')
for k2 in department.keys():
department[k2] = list()
depart_data = daily_items.get('部门子公司日报')
for item in depart_data:
if k2 in part_dict:
copy_k2 = part_dict.get(k2)
if item.get('部门') == copy_k2:
content = item.get('内容')
res = format_conversion(content)
department[k2].append(res + '' + '({}报送)'.format(item.get('填报人')))
if item.get('部门') == k2:
content = item.get('内容')
res = format_conversion(content)
department[k2].append(res + '' + '({}报送)'.format(item.get('填报人')))
if department[k2]:
if len(department[k2]) == 1:
department[k2] = department[k2][0]
first = department[k2].pop(0)
department[k2] = "\n".join(department[k2])
department[k2] = "\n".join([" " + line for line in department[k2].split("\n")])
department[k2] = first + '\n' + department[k2]
department[k2] = '未报送'
# 监管和同业动态
supervise = temp.get('监管和同业动态')
for k3 in supervise.keys():
supervise[k3] = list()
supervise_data = daily_items.get('监管和同业动态')
for item in supervise_data:
if item.get('分类') == k3:
content = item.get('内容').replace("\n", "")
content = content.replace(' ', '')
content = ' '.join(content.split())
content = content + '({}报送)'.format(item.get('填报人'))
if supervise[k3]:
if len(supervise[k3]) == 1:
supervise[k3] = supervise[k3][0]
first = supervise[k3].pop(0)
first = '1、' + first
for i in range(len(supervise[k3])):
num = i + 2
supervise[k3][i] = f'{num}' + supervise[k3][i]
supervise[k3] = "\n".join(supervise[k3])
supervise[k3] = "\n".join([" " + line for line in supervise[k3].split("\n")])
supervise[k3] = first + '\n' + supervise[k3]
supervise[k3] = '未报送'
# 行业信息专题分析
subject = temp.get('行业信息专题分析')
for k4 in subject.keys():
subject[k4] = list()
subject_data = daily_items.get('行业信息专题分析')
for item in subject_data:
content = item.get('内容').replace("/n", "")
content = content.replace(' ', '')
content = ' '.join(content.split())
content = content + '({}报送)'.format(item.get('填报人'))
if subject[k4]:
if len(subject[k4]) == 1:
subject[k4] = subject[k4][0]
first = subject[k4].pop(0)
first = '1、' + first
for i in range(len(subject[k4])):
num = i + 2
subject[k4][i] = f'{num}' + subject[k4][i]
subject[k4] = "\n".join(subject[k4])
subject[k4] = "\n".join([" " + line for line in subject[k4].split("\n")])
subject[k4] = first + '\n' + subject[k4]
subject[k4] = '未报送'
merged_dict = {
"": req.day.year,
"": req.day.month,
"": req.day.day
# 文件模板
doc_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Config', 'daily_out_temps.docx')
doc = DocxTemplate(doc_path)
# today = datetime.date.today()
date_string = req.day.strftime('%Y%m%d')
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'static_data', 'daily_out_temp', '运行日报{}.docx'.format(date_string))
temp_path = "static_data/daily_out_temp"
if not os.path.exists(temp_path):
file_name = "运行日报{}.docx".format(date_string)
file_path = f"{temp_path}/{file_name}"
return {"url": "/" + file_path}
@router.post("/sensitive_word_verification", summary="敏感词校验")
def daily_export_to_pdf(word_str: str):
json_filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Config', 'sensitive_word.json')
# 将列表保存为 json 文件
with open(json_filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
words = json.load(json_file)
class SensitiveWordChecker:
def __init__(self, sensitive_words):
self.automaton = Automaton()
for idx, word in enumerate(sensitive_words):
self.automaton.add_word(word, (idx, word))
def check(self, text):
return {item for _, item in self.automaton.iter(text)}
checker = SensitiveWordChecker(words)
sensitive_words_in_text = checker.check(word_str)
return sensitive_words_in_text