from pymongo import MongoClient, errors from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, parse_obj_as from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union, Type import hashlib import json from datetime import datetime from typing import Literal from jsonschema import validate from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from datamodel_code_generator import InputFileType, generate from datamodel_code_generator import DataModelType """ { name:"", schema:{}, from :"man"|"api", apiConfig:{ "url":"", "params":{}, "paging":False, "method":GET|POST } check_repeated:False,True,"normal","latest" } """ def json_schema_to_pydantic(name, schema) -> Type[BaseModel]: try: json_schema: str = json.dumps(schema) names = {name: None} with TemporaryDirectory() as temporary_directory_name: temporary_directory = Path(temporary_directory_name) output = Path(temporary_directory / f'{name}.py') generate( json_schema, input_file_type=InputFileType.JsonSchema, input_filename=f"{name}.json", output=output, class_name=name, # set up the output model types output_model_type=DataModelType.PydanticBaseModel, encoding="utf-8" ) model: str = output.read_text(encoding="utf-8") exec(model, names, names) return names[name] except Exception as e: print(f"jsonschema转pydantic出现错误:\n{name}:\n{schema}\n{e}") class JsonDataManage: def __init__(self, mongo_client: MongoClient, db_name: str = "json数据"): self.mongo_client = mongo_client[db_name] self.json_schema_dict = {} self.models = {} self.schema_collection = self.mongo_client['schema'] self.schema_collection.create_index('name', unique=True) self.load_schemas() def load_schemas(self): # 从MongoDB加载schemas try: for document in self.schema_collection.find(): name = document['name'] schema = document['schema'] self.json_schema_dict[name] = schema model = json_schema_to_pydantic(name, schema) if model: self.models[name] = model except errors.PyMongoError as e: print(f"Error loading schemas: {e}") def add_schema(self, name: str, schema: Dict[str, Any]): # 添加一个新的schema try: self.schema_collection.insert_one({'name': name, 'schema': schema}) self.json_schema_dict[name] = schema self.models[name] = BaseModel.parse_obj(schema) except errors.DuplicateKeyError: print(f"Error: a schema with the name {name} already exists.") except errors.PyMongoError as e: print(f"Error adding schema: {e}") def remove_schema(self, name: str): # 删除一个schema try: self.schema_collection.delete_one({'name': name}) del self.json_schema_dict[name] del self.models[name] except KeyError: print(f"Error: no schema with the name {name} exists.") except errors.PyMongoError as e: print(f"Error removing schema: {e}") def update_schema(self, name: str, schema: Dict[str, Any]): # 更新一个schema try: self.schema_collection.update_one({'name': name}, {'$set': {'schema': schema}}) self.json_schema_dict[name] = schema self.models[name] = BaseModel.parse_obj(schema) except KeyError: print(f"Error: no schema with the name {name} exists.") except errors.PyMongoError as e: print(f"Error updating schema: {e}") @staticmethod def validation(model: Type[BaseModel], data: Dict[str, Any]): # 使用json_schema验证data try: return model.parse_obj(data).dict() except ValidationError as e: raise Exception(f"数据校验失败:{e}") def insert_data(self, collection_name: str, data: Dict[str, Any], index: Dict[str, Any] = {}, check_repeated: Union[Literal["normal", "latest"], bool] = False): validation_data = self.validation(self.models[collection_name], data) # 计算数据的哈希值 data_hash = self.get_data_hash(validation_data) if check_repeated: if check_repeated is True: check_repeated_model = "normal" else: check_repeated_model = check_repeated if self.check_repeated(collection_name, validation_data, index=index, model=check_repeated_model): raise Exception(f"数据已经存在") # 创建一个新的文档,包含数据和哈希值 document = { "index": index, "data": validation_data, "create_time":, "update_time":, "hash": data_hash } # 插入文档 collection = self.mongo_client[collection_name] try: result = collection.insert_one(document) return result.inserted_id except errors.PyMongoError as e: print(f"Error inserting data: {e}") def check_repeated(self, collection_name: str, data: Dict[str, Any], index={}, model: Literal["normal", "latest"] = "normal") -> bool: # 计算数据的哈希值 data_hash = self.get_data_hash(data) # 判断数据是否已存在 collection = self.mongo_client[collection_name] try: if model == 'normal': if collection.find_one({"hash": data_hash, "index": index}): return True else: return False if model == 'latest': # latest模式的话数据跟最后一条相同的话就不更新了 if collection.find_one(sort=[('_id', -1)], filter={"hash": data_hash, "index": index}): return True else: return False except errors.PyMongoError as e: print(f"Error checking for repeated data: {e}") def query(self, collection_name: str, query: Dict[str, Any]): """ 根据query查询返回查询结果 :param collection_name: :param query: 查询条件 :return: """ collection = self.mongo_client[collection_name] try: return collection.find(query) except errors.PyMongoError as e: print(f"Error executing query: {e}") def get_data_hash(self, data: dict) -> str: """ 获取数据的hash值 :param data: :return: """ # 将数据转换为JSON字符串,然后编码为字节串 data_bytes = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True).encode() # 使用SHA256算法计算哈希值 hash_object = hashlib.sha256(data_bytes) # 返回十六进制表示的哈希值 return hash_object.hexdigest()