import json import time from datetime import datetime import requests from DBHelper.MongoHelperInstance import DB_TYC, DB_GUA from Modules.Company.CompanyObject import RiskInfo, BusinessInfo from Modules.ETL.WideETL import DataProcess, DataJob from Utils.ErrorUtil import JustThrowError class DragRiskInfoFromTYC(DataProcess): def extract(self): url = "" headers = {'token':} data = {"企业名称":, "数据范围": [], "时间范围": 30} res =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) if res.status_code == 200: source_dict = dict() def dishonest_quantity(): dishonest = DB_TYC.find_single_data( "司法风险", "失信人", {"企业名称":}, ['失信人'] ) total = 0 if dishonest['失信人']: for item in dishonest['失信人']: begin_date = datetime.strptime(item['publishdate'], '%Y-%m-%d').year curr_date = datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d').year minus_date = curr_date - begin_date if 0 <= minus_date <= 3: total += 1 return total def executed_quantity(): executed = DB_TYC.find_single_data( "司法风险", "被执行人", {"企业名称":}, ['被执行人'] ) total = 0 if executed['被执行人']: for item in executed['被执行人']: begin_date = datetime.strptime(item['caseCreateTime'], '%Y-%m-%d').year curr_date = datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d').year minus_date = curr_date - begin_date if 0 <= minus_date <= 3: total += 1 return total def legal_action_quantity(): legal_action = DB_TYC.find_single_data( "司法风险", "诉讼", {"企业名称":}, ['诉讼'] ) total = 0 if legal_action: for item in legal_action['诉讼']: try: begin_date = datetime.strptime(item['submittime'], '%Y-%m-%d').year curr_date = datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d').year minus_date = curr_date - begin_date condition = in item['defendants'] if 0 <= minus_date <= 3 and condition: total += 1 except ValueError: continue return total def final_case_quantity(): final_case = DB_TYC.find_single_data( "司法风险", "终本案件", {"企业名称":}, ['终本案件'] ) total = 0 if final_case['终本案件']: for item in final_case['终本案件']['result']: tuptime_newest = time.localtime(item['caseFinalTime'] / 1000) begin_date = datetime.strptime(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", tuptime_newest), '%Y-%m-%d').year curr_date = datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d').year minus_date = curr_date - begin_date if 0 <= minus_date <= 3: total += 1 return total def consumption_restriction_quantity(): executed = DB_TYC.find_single_data( "司法风险", "限制消费令", {"企业名称":}, ['限制消费令'] ) total = 0 if executed['限制消费令']: for item in executed['限制消费令']['result']: tuptime_newest = time.localtime(item['publishDate'] / 1000) begin_date = datetime.strptime(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", tuptime_newest), '%Y-%m-%d').year curr_date = datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d').year minus_date = curr_date - begin_date if 0 <= minus_date <= 3: total += 1 return total def penalties_quantity(): penalties = DB_TYC.find_single_data( "经营风险", "行政处罚", {"企业名称":}, ['行政处罚'] ) total = 0 if penalties['行政处罚']: for item in penalties['行政处罚']['result']: begin_date = datetime.strptime(item['decisionDate'], '%Y-%m-%d').year curr_date = datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d').year minus_date = curr_date - begin_date if 0 <= minus_date <= 3: total += 1 return total source_dict['失信被执行人'] = dishonest_quantity() source_dict['被执行人'] = executed_quantity() source_dict['法律诉讼(被告)'] = legal_action_quantity() source_dict['终本案件'] = final_case_quantity() source_dict['限制消费令'] = consumption_restriction_quantity() source_dict['行政处罚'] = penalties_quantity() self.source = source_dict else: raise JustThrowError(error_info="拉取风险信息失败") def transform(self): source = self.source target = target.dishonest_executor = source['失信被执行人'] target.person_to_be_executed = source['被执行人'] target.final_case = source['终本案件'] target.consumption_restriction_order = source['限制消费令'] target.administrative_penalties = source['行政处罚'] target.legal_action = source['法律诉讼(被告)'] def load(self): target = data = target.fields_toggle() DB_GUA.upsert_single_data( '企业数据', '风险信息', {"企业名称": data['企业名称'], "报告期": data['报告期']}, data ) class RiskInfoDataJob(RiskInfo): def drag(self): """拉去天眼查数据接口的企业风险信息""" data_job = DataJob( instance=self, title="拉取企业风险信息", job_type="处理准备", status="正常", detail="企业名称->{};".format(self.company_name) ) data_job.processes = [ DragRiskInfoFromTYC ] data_job.start() class ProcessBusinessInfo(DataProcess): """经营信息""" def load(self): data = DB_GUA.find_all_data( '企业数据', '担保数据', {'企业ID':}, [] ) if not data: error_info = "担保数据异常; " raise JustThrowError(error_info=error_info) else: self.source['担保信息'] = data def transform(self): source = self.source target = target.customerinfo = list() target.regional_distribution = list() target.industry_distribution = list() target.balance_distribution = list() years = list() area = list() for item in source['担保信息']: years.append([item['担保开始日期'][:4], item['担保结束日期'][:4]]) area.append(item['地级市']) years = list(set(years)) areas = list(set(area)) regional_list = list() for r in areas: for year in years: new_dict = dict() new_dict['地区'] = r new_dict['报告期'] = year new_dict['年末在保余额'] = 0 new_dict['年末在保责任余额'] = 0 new_dict['当年新增在保余额'] = 0 new_dict['当年新增在保责任余额'] = 0 regional_list.append(new_dict) for item in source['担保信息']: # 客户信息 customer = target.CustomerInfo() customer.report_period = item['担保开始日期'] customer.client_name = item['被担保人'] customer.guarantee_type = item['担保类型'] customer.balance_under_insurance = item['担保余额(万元)'] customer.financing_guarantee_balance = item['责任担保余额(万元)'] customer.guarantee_start_date = item['担保开始日期'] customer.guarantee_end_date = item['担保结束日期'] target.customerinfo.append(customer) # 区域分布 for regional_ in regional_list: if item['省份'] == regional_['地区'] and regional_['报告期'] == item['担保开始日期'][:4]: regional_['年末在保余额'] += item['担保余额(万元)'] regional_['年末在保责任余额'] += item['责任担保余额(万元)'] # regional = target.RegionalDistribution() # regional.report_period = item['担保开始日期'] # regional.region = item['省份'] # regional.year_end_insured_balance = item[''] # regional.year_end_insured_liability_balance = item[''] # regional.insured_balance_newly_added = item[''] # regional.insured_liability_newly_added = item[''] def extract(self): pass class BusinessInfoDataJob(BusinessInfo): def create(self): data_job = DataJob( instance=self, title="经营信息数据", job_type="初始数据", status="正常", detail="企业名称->{}; 企业ID->{};".format(self.company_name, self.cid) ) data_job.processes = [ ProcessBusinessInfo, ] data_job.start()