from import * def risk_data_etl(param1, param2, param3): """ 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库 将数据按规定格式存储到股交企业数据库中(评价-风险数据) Parameters: param1: 企业名称 param2: 企业ID param3: 评价ID Returns: res: 保存结果 """ # 合规风险 compliance_risk = dict() compliance_risk['失信人'] = dishonest_person(param1) compliance_risk['严重违法'] = serious_illegal(param1) compliance_risk['经营异常'] = abnormal_operation(param1) compliance_risk['欠税公告'] = owing_taxes(param1) compliance_risk['税收违法'] = tax_violation(param1) compliance_risk['行政处罚'] = administrative_punish(param1) compliance_risk['环保处罚'] = environmental_punish(param1) # 经营风险 business_risk = dict() business_risk['立案信息'] = filing_info(param1) business_risk['开庭公告'] = opening_announcement(param1) business_risk['被执行人'] = executed_person(param1) business_risk['法院公告'] = court_announcement(param1) business_risk['诉讼'] = lawsuit(param1) business_risk['送达公告'] = service_notice(param1) business_risk['股权出质'] = equity_pledge(param1) # 关联风险 relation_risk = dict() relation_risk['周边风险'] = dict() relation_risk['周边风险']['高风险'] = periphery_risk(param1, '高风险') relation_risk['周边风险']['警示'] = periphery_risk(param1, '警示') relation_risk['变更记录'] = dict() relation_risk['变更记录']['法人变更'] = change_record(param1, '法人变更') relation_risk['变更记录']['主要成员变更'] = change_record(param1, '主要成员变更') # 合并数据 insert_data = dict() insert_data['评价ID'] = param3 insert_data['企业ID'] = param2 insert_data['合规风险'] = compliance_risk insert_data['经营风险'] = business_risk insert_data['关联风险'] = relation_risk info = conserve_data(db='评价', col='风险数据', cid=param2, insert_data=insert_data) return info def dishonest_person(param): """ 失信人 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='司法风险', col='失信人', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['失信人']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['失信人'][num]['publishdate'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def serious_illegal(param): """ 严重违法 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='经营风险', col='严重违法', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['严重违法']['result']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: timestamp = data['严重违法']['result'][num]['putDate'] / 1000 put_date = time.localtime(timestamp) date = int(time.strftime("%Y", put_date)) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def abnormal_operation(param): """ 经营异常 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='经营风险', col='经营异常', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['经营异常']['result']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['经营异常']['result'][num]['putDate'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def owing_taxes(param): """ 欠税公告 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='经营风险', col='欠税公告', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['欠税公告']['result']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['经营异常']['result'][num]['publishDate'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def tax_violation(param): """ 税收违法 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='经营风险', col='税收违法', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['税收违法']['result']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['税收违法']['result'][num]['publish_time'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def filing_info(param): """ 立案信息 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='司法风险', col='立案信息', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['立案信息']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['立案信息'][num]['filingDate'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def administrative_punish(param): """ 行政处罚 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='经营风险', col='行政处罚', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['行政处罚']['result']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['行政处罚']['result'][num]['decisionDate'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def environmental_punish(param): """ 环保处罚 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='经营风险', col='环保处罚', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['环保处罚']['result']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['环保处罚']['result'][num]['publish_time'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def opening_announcement(param): """ 开庭公告 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='司法风险', col='开庭公告', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['开庭公告']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['开庭公告'][num]['startDate'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: defendant = data['开庭公告'][num]['defendant'] if len(defendant) > 0: for item in defendant: if param == item['name']: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def executed_person(param): """ 被执行人 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='司法风险', col='被执行人', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['被执行人']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['被执行人'][num]['caseCreateTime'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def court_announcement(param): """ 法院公告 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='司法风险', col='法院公告', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['法院公告']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['法院公告'][num]['publishdate'][:4]) current_year = party = data['法院公告'][num]['party2'] if current_year - date <= 3 and param in party: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def lawsuit(param): """ 诉讼 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='司法风险', col='诉讼', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['诉讼']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['诉讼'][num]['submittime'][:4]) current_year = defendants = data['诉讼'][num]['defendants'] if current_year - date <= 3 and param in defendants: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def service_notice(param): """ 送达公告 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='司法风险', col='送达公告', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['送达公告']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['送达公告'][num]['startDate'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def equity_pledge(param): """ 股权出质 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param: 企业名称 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='经营风险', col='股权出质', query={'企业名称': param}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['股权出质']['result']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: timestamp = data['股权出质']['result'][num]['putDate'] / 1000 put_date = time.localtime(timestamp) date = int(time.strftime("%Y", put_date)) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: total += 1 except Exception: total += 1 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def periphery_risk(param1, param2): """ 股权出质 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param1: 企业名称 param2: 风险类型 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='天眼风险', col='周边风险', query={'企业名称': param1}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['周边风险']['list']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: if data['周边风险']['list'][num]['tag'] == param2: total += data['周边风险']['list'][num]['total'] except Exception: total += 0 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total def change_record(param1, param2): """ 变更记录 根据企业名称,查询天眼查数据库,根据条件筛选数据 Parameters: param1: 企业名称 param2: 变更事项 Returns: res: 满足条件总数 """ total = 0 res = find_tyc_db(db='公司背景', col='变更记录', query={'企业名称': param1}) if len(res): data = res[0] try: quantity = len(data['变更记录']['result']) if quantity: for num in range(quantity): try: date = int(data['变更记录']['result'][num]['createTime'][:4]) current_year = if current_year - date <= 3: if param2 == '法人变更' and '法定代表人' in data['变更记录']['result'][num]['changeItem']: total += 1 elif param2 == '主要成员变更' and '董事(理事)、经理、监事' in data['变更记录']['result'][num]['changeItem']: total += 1 except Exception: total += 0 return total except KeyError: return total else: return total