update 报告生成格式调整

This commit is contained in:
彭森 2022-01-05 13:25:08 +08:00
parent f45902f99e
commit d70cbdfeb0
3 changed files with 71 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import PageTemplate, BaseDocTemplate
from reportlab.platypus.tableofcontents import TableOfContents
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from Report.scripts.PdfStyle import cover_space, cover_company_style, cover_report_style, cover_time_style, chapter_style, \
from Report.scripts.PdfStyle import cover_space, cover_company_style, cover_report_style, cover_time_style, \
chapter_style, \
section_style, adjust_line_width, para_style_single, para_style_bold, table_name, table_unit, table_mark, \
adjust_table_widths, adjust_table_style, Seashell4, toc_style_1, table_content_style, toc_style_2, darkGolden
adjust_table_widths, adjust_table_style, Seashell4, toc_style_1, table_content_style, toc_style_2, darkGolden, \
from Report.scripts.path_tool import gen_pdf_path, get_pic_path
# 页码起始设置
@ -158,6 +160,6 @@ class ReportGenerator:
# 表格
elif list(part.keys())[0] == '表格':
width = adjust_table_widths(part['表格'])
style = adjust_table_style(part['表格'])
self.story.append(Table(part['表格'], colWidths=width, style=style))
td = adjust_table_data(part['表格'])
self.story.append(Table(td, style=style))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import datetime
import json
import time
from Report.PdfReport import ReportGenerator
from Report.scripts.contents import *
@ -55,4 +57,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('../Report/static/ReportTemplates/信息技术业.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
doc = json.load(f)
model = ReportModel(data, doc)
text_model = model.report_values()
report_file_name = '{}_{}.pdf'.format(data['企业名称'], int(time.time()))
pdf_report = ReportGenerator(name=report_file_name, text_model=text_model)

View File

@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ from reportlab.lib.colors import HexColor
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_CENTER, TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle as PS
from reportlab.platypus import TableStyle
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle as PS, ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
from reportlab.platypus import TableStyle, Paragraph
from reportlab.lib import colors
import pandas as pd
@ -11,7 +12,6 @@ import numpy as np
from Report.scripts.path_tool import get_font_path
# rgb
darkGolden = '#C8A063'
lightGrey = '#F4F2EF'
@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('pingbold', get_font_path(font='PingBold.ttf')))
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('SimHei', get_font_path(font='simhei.ttf')))
# toc
toc_style_1 = PS(name='TOCHeading1', fontName='pingbold', fontSize=16, leftIndent=20, firstLineIndent=-20, spaceBefore=10, leading=16)
toc_style_2 = PS(name='TOCHeading2', fontName='pingbold', fontSize=12, leftIndent=40, firstLineIndent=-20, spaceBefore=5, leading=12)
toc_style_1 = PS(name='TOCHeading1', fontName='pingbold', fontSize=16, leftIndent=20, firstLineIndent=-20,
spaceBefore=10, leading=16)
toc_style_2 = PS(name='TOCHeading2', fontName='pingbold', fontSize=12, leftIndent=40, firstLineIndent=-20,
spaceBefore=5, leading=12)
# table of content
table_content_style = PS(name="table_content_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=18, leading=40, alignment=TA_CENTER)
@ -34,45 +36,83 @@ cover_space = PS(name='cover_space', fontSize=0, leading=75, alignment=TA_CENTER
cover_company_style = PS(name="cover_company_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=30, leading=60, alignment=TA_CENTER)
cover_report_style = PS(name="cover_report_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=18, leading=400, alignment=TA_CENTER)
cover_fecr_style = PS(name="cover_fecr_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=18, leading=20, alignment=TA_CENTER)
cover_time_style = PS(name="cover_time_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=16, leading=40, alignment=TA_CENTER, spaceBefore=20)
cover_time_style = PS(name="cover_time_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=16, leading=40, alignment=TA_CENTER,
# chapter & section
chapter_style = PS(name="chapter_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=18, leading=40, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceBefore=6)
section_style = PS(name="section_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=12, leading=30, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceBefore=6, textColor=HexColor(darkGolden))
section_style = PS(name="section_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=12, leading=30, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceBefore=6,
# table
table_name = PS(name="table_name", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=8, leading=16, alignment=TA_CENTER, spaceBefore=2, textColor=HexColor(darkGrey))
table_name = PS(name="table_name", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=8, leading=16, alignment=TA_CENTER, spaceBefore=2,
table_unit = PS(name="table_unit", fontName="SimHei", fontSize=6, leading=8, alignment=TA_RIGHT, spaceBefore=2)
table_mark = PS(name="table_mark", fontName="SimHei", fontSize=6, leading=16, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceBefore=2)
table_style = getSampleStyleSheet()
table_style.add(ParagraphStyle(fontName='SimHei', name='Song', leading=16, fontSize=8, spaceBefore=2, alignment=TA_CENTER))
# para
para_style_single = PS(name="para_style_single", fontName="SimHei", fontSize=8, leading=18, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceBefore=6)
para_style_normal = PS(name="para_style_normal", fontName="SimHei", fontSize=8, leading=18, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceBefore=6, firstLineIndent=16)
para_style_bold = PS(name="para_style_bold", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=10, leading=18, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceBefore=6)
para_style_single = PS(name="para_style_single", fontName="SimHei", fontSize=8, leading=18, alignment=TA_LEFT,
para_style_normal = PS(name="para_style_normal", fontName="SimHei", fontSize=8, leading=18, alignment=TA_LEFT,
spaceBefore=6, firstLineIndent=16)
para_style_bold = PS(name="para_style_bold", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=10, leading=18, alignment=TA_LEFT,
para_bold_style = PS(name="para_style", fontName="pingbold", fontSize=9, leading=18, alignment=TA_LEFT, spaceBefore=6)
# table
def adjust_table_widths(list_):
list_: list 表格数据
result: list 表格宽度列表
# 表格默认宽度
total_width = 410
df = pd.DataFrame()
for list__ in list_:
df = df.append(dict(zip(range(len(list__)), list__)), ignore_index=True)
# 将列表中的数据替换成数据的长度并将0置为NaN
df = df.apply(lambda x: x.str.len())
df = df.replace(0, np.NaN)
# 计算每列数据长度平均值占总数的多少,并转为列表
width_rate = (df.mean() / df.mean().sum()).values.tolist()
# 列数
cols_num = len(width_rate)
# 判断首列是否小于默认宽度
if width_rate[0] < 0.33:
# 小于默认宽度,用当前数据重新计算各列宽度
widths = [width_rate[0] * total_width] + [((1 - width_rate[0]) / (cols_num - 1)) * total_width] * (cols_num - 1)
# 大于默认宽度,则继续使用默认宽度继续各列宽度
widths = [0.33 * total_width] + [(0.67 / (cols_num - 1)) * total_width] * (cols_num - 1)
return widths
def adjust_table_data(list_):
list_: list 表格数据
result: list 处理好的表格数据
for item_ in list_:
for index in range(len(item_)):
item_[index] = Paragraph(item_[index], table_style['Song'])
return list_
def adjust_table_style(list_):
return TableStyle([
# 边框
@ -92,9 +132,8 @@ def adjust_table_style(list_):
def adjust_line_width(str_, font_size):
mark_length = 400
trans_length = mark_length/font_size-1
trans_length = mark_length / font_size - 1
if len(str_) < trans_length:
return str_
@ -110,16 +149,18 @@ def adjust_line_width(str_, font_size):
if u'\u4e00' <= str_[i] <= u'\u9fa5':
s2 += str_[i]
n = n + 1
elif str_[i] in ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '-', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']:
elif str_[i] in ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '-', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']:
s2 += str_[i]
n = n + 1
s2 += str_[i]
n = n + 0.5
if (n > trans_length) and (i != len(str_)-1):
if str_[i+1] in ['', '', '', '']:
s2 += str_[i+1]
if (n > trans_length) and (i != len(str_) - 1):
if str_[i + 1] in ['', '', '', '']:
s2 += str_[i + 1]
s2 += '<br/>'
n = 0
s1 += s2
@ -129,7 +170,7 @@ def adjust_line_width(str_, font_size):
n = 0
s1 += s2
s2 = ''
elif i == len(str_)-1:
elif i == len(str_) - 1:
s1 += s2
return s1