import re import sys from collections import deque from contextlib import contextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass import reactivex as rx from giving import ObservableProxy from pygments import token from rich._loop import loop_last from rich.cells import cell_len from rich.console import Console, Group from rich.constrain import Constrain from rich.highlighter import ReprHighlighter from import Live from rich.markup import render as markup from rich.panel import Panel from rich.pretty import Pretty from rich.segment import Segment from import Style from rich.table import Table from rich.text import Text from rich.theme import Theme from rich.traceback import Traceback from .basic import ANSI_ESCAPE, cbreak, read_chars, readable_duration from .develoop import RedirectDeveloopRunner, itemappender, kill_thread REAL_STDOUT = sys.stdout TEMP_CONSOLE = Console(color_system="standard") class TracebackNoFrame(Traceback): """Variant of rich.traceback.Traceback that does not draw a frame around the traceback.""" def __rich_console__(self, console, options): # I basically just copied this from # and removed calls to Panel theme = self.theme token_style = theme.get_style_for_token traceback_theme = Theme( { "pretty": token_style(token.Text), "pygments.text": token_style(token.Token), "pygments.string": token_style(token.String), "pygments.function": token_style(token.Name.Function), "pygments.number": token_style(token.Number), "repr.indent": token_style(token.Comment) + Style(dim=True), "repr.str": token_style(token.String), "repr.brace": token_style(token.Text) + Style(bold=True), "repr.number": token_style(token.Number), "repr.bool_true": token_style(token.Keyword.Constant), "repr.bool_false": token_style(token.Keyword.Constant), "repr.none": token_style(token.Keyword.Constant), "scope.border": token_style(token.String.Delimiter), "scope.equals": token_style(token.Operator), "scope.key": token_style(token.Name), "scope.key.special": token_style(token.Name.Constant) + Style(dim=True), } ) highlighter = ReprHighlighter() for last, stack in loop_last(reversed(self.trace.stacks)): if stack.frames: stack_renderable = self._render_stack(stack) stack_renderable = Constrain(stack_renderable, self.width) with console.use_theme(traceback_theme): yield stack_renderable if stack.syntax_error is not None: with console.use_theme(traceback_theme): yield Constrain( self._render_syntax_error(stack.syntax_error) ) yield Text.assemble( (f"{stack.exc_type}: ", "traceback.exc_type"), highlighter(stack.syntax_error.msg), ) elif stack.exc_value: yield Text.assemble( (f"{stack.exc_type}: ", "traceback.exc_type"), highlighter(stack.exc_value), ) else: yield Text.assemble((f"{stack.exc_type}", "traceback.exc_type")) if not last: if stack.is_cause: yield Text.from_markup( "\n[i]The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:\n", ) else: yield Text.from_markup( "\n[i]During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n", ) class RawSegment(Segment): @property def cell_length(self): assert not self.control return cell_len(re.sub(ANSI_ESCAPE, "", self.text)) @dataclass class Line: text: str = "" length: int = 0 def __bool__(self): return bool(self.text) def breakline(line, limit=80, initial=Line()): if not line: yield initial return parts = [ (x, i % 2 == 1) for i, x in enumerate(re.split(pattern=ANSI_ESCAPE, string=line)) ] current_line = initial.text avail = limit - initial.length work = deque(parts) while work: part, escape = work.popleft() if escape: current_line += part else: if not avail: ok, extra = "", part else: ok, extra = part[:avail], part[avail:] avail -= len(ok) current_line += ok if extra: work.appendleft((extra, False)) yield Line(current_line, limit - avail) current_line = "" avail = limit if current_line: yield Line(current_line, limit - avail) class TerminalLines: def __init__(self, title, border="white", border_highlight="bold yellow"): self.title = title self.border = border self.border_highlight = border_highlight self.height = 0 self.width = 80 self.window_size = 1 self.clear() def set_at_end(self): self.at_end = self.start >= (len(self) - self.window_size) def add(self, text): line1, *lines = text.split("\n") self.lines[-1:] = breakline( line1, limit=self.width, initial=self.lines[-1] ) for line in lines: self.lines += breakline(line, limit=self.width) return self def clear(self): self.lines = [Line()] self.start = 0 self.at_end = True def shift(self, n, mode): if mode == "line": self.start = max(0, self.start + n) elif mode == "screen": self.start = max(0, self.start + n * self.window_size) elif mode == "whole": self.start = max(0, self.start + n * len(self)) self.set_at_end() def __len__(self): # We don't count the last line if it is empty return len(self.lines) - 1 + bool(self.lines[-1]) def __rich_console__(self, console, options): if self.at_end: self.start = len(self) self.start = max(0, min(self.start, len(self) - self.window_size)) for i, line in enumerate(self.lines[self.start : len(self)]): yield RawSegment(line.text) if i < len(self) - 1: yield Segment.line() __iadd__ = add class StackedTerminalLines: def __init__(self, boxes, total_height, width): self.boxes = boxes for b in self.boxes: b.width = width self.box_map = {b.title: b for b in self.boxes} self.total_height = total_height self.width = width self.focus = None def __getitem__(self, item): return self.box_map[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): pass def clear(self): for b in self.boxes: b.clear() def move_focus(self, n): nb = len(self.boxes) old_focus = self.focus or 0 explore = [(i + n + old_focus + nb) % nb for i in range(nb + 1)] if n < 0: explore.reverse() for focus in explore: if self.boxes[focus]: break self.focus = focus def shift(self, n, mode): self.focus = self.focus or 0 self.boxes[self.focus].shift(n, mode=mode) def distribute_heights(self): budget = self.total_height boxes = self.boxes max_height = max(len(b) for b in boxes) nactive = len([b for b in boxes if b]) if nactive == 0: return max_share = budget // nactive for i, b in enumerate(boxes): b.height = h = min(max_share, len(b) + 2) if b else 0 if self.focus is None and len(b) > max_share: self.focus = i budget -= h if budget: for b in boxes: if len(b) == max_height: b.height += budget break for b in boxes: b.window_size = b.height - 2 def __rich_console__(self, console, options): self.distribute_heights() for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): if box.height: if i == self.focus: title = f"[bold]{box.title}" style = box.border_highlight else: title = box.title style = box.border yield Panel( box, title=title, height=box.height, border_style=style ) class Dash: def __init__(self, *parts): self.console = Console(color_system="standard", file=REAL_STDOUT) = Live( auto_refresh=False, redirect_stdout=False, redirect_stderr=False, console=self.console, screen=True, ) self.stack = StackedTerminalLines( parts, - 2, - 4 ) self.header = Text("
") self.footer = Text("