This commit is contained in:
wcq 2023-04-21 16:48:26 +08:00
parent 780e46e013
commit 3d07cdad77
10 changed files with 305 additions and 37 deletions

components.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
InParamConfig: typeof import('./src/components/ApiFlow/components/ApiEditer/components/InParamConfig.vue')['default']
InParamsConfigCard: typeof import('./src/components/ApiFlow/components/ApiEditer/components/InParamsConfigCard.vue')['default']
MultipleSelect: typeof import('./src/components/EditTabel/multipleSelect.vue')['default']
NCode: typeof import('naive-ui')['NCode']
NConfigProvider: typeof import('naive-ui')['NConfigProvider']
NumberArrayInput: typeof import('./src/components/ApiFlow/components/ApiEditer/components/NumberArrayInput.vue')['default']
OutParamConfig: typeof import('./src/components/ApiFlow/components/ApiEditer/components/OutParamConfig.vue')['default']
OutParamsConfigCard: typeof import('./src/components/ApiFlow/components/ApiEditer/components/OutParamsConfigCard.vue')['default']

View File

@ -1,47 +1,62 @@
import { api } from "./api"
interface QueryParam{
name: string
type: "=" | ">" | "<" | "<=" | ">=" | "like" | "in" | "range" | "find_in_set"
model?: "and" | "or"
import { api } from "./api";
type QueryExpress =
| "="
| ">"
| "<"
| "<="
| ">="
| "like"
| "in"
| "range"
| "find_in_set";
interface QueryParam {
name: string;
type: QueryExpress;
model?: "and" | "or";
value: any;
interface OrderParam{
order_by: string
interface OrderParam {
order_by: string;
type: "asc" | "desc";
interface QueryParams{
param_list?: QueryParam[]
page: number
page_size: number
interface QueryParams {
param_list?: QueryParam[];
order?: OrderParam;
page: number;
page_size: number;
class CrudApi{
baseUrl: string
constructor(baseUrl: string,idKey="id") {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl
class CrudApi {
baseUrl: string;
idKey: string;
constructor(baseUrl: string, idKey = "id") {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.idKey = idKey;
async get(itemId: any) {
return await<any,any>(this.baseUrl+"/get",{[this.idKey]:itemId})
return await<any, any>(this.baseUrl + "/get", {
[this.idKey]: itemId
async add(newData: any) {
return await<any,any>(this.baseUrl+"/add",newData)
return await<any, any>(this.baseUrl + "/add", newData);
async update(newData) {
return await<any,any>(this.baseUrl + "/update", newData)
return await<any, any>(this.baseUrl + "/update", newData);
async delete(itemId: any) {
return await<any,any>(this.baseUrl+"/delete",{[this.idKey]:itemId})
return await<any, any>(this.baseUrl + "/delete", {
[this.idKey]: itemId
async queryCommon(queryParams: QueryParams) {
return await<any,any>(this.baseUrl+"/query_common",queryParams)
return await<any, any>(
this.baseUrl + "/query_common",
export { CrudApi }
export type { QueryParams,QueryParam }
export { CrudApi };
export type { QueryParams, QueryParam, queryExpress };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
<div class="flex flex-col" style="height: calc(100% - 48px)">
<el-table class="flex-1" :data="tableData" style="width: 100%">
<el-form-item v-for="column in props.tableModel.columns">
<template #header>
<table-header-query-cell @change="getTableData" :column-config="column" v-model="query[column.key]" />
<template #default="{ row }">
<table-colunm-show-cell :column-config="column" v-model="row[column.key]" />
<div class="flex justify-center">
<el-pagination v-model:current-page="" :page-size="query.page_size" :small="false"
layout="prev, pager, next" :total="count" @current-change="getTableData" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { TableModel } from './types';
import { queryTypeDefaultValueDic, queryTypeExpressDic } from './config';
import { CrudApi, QueryParam, QueryParams } from '@/api/crudApi';
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
const props = defineProps<{ tableModel: TableModel }>()
const tableData = ref([])
const count = ref(0)
const query = ref({ page: 1, page_size: 10 })
const crudApi = new CrudApi("");
watch(() => props.tableModel, (newVal) => {
query.value = initQuery(newVal, query.value)
function initCrudApi() {
crudApi.idKey = props.tableModel.idKey
crudApi.baseUrl = props.tableModel.baseUrl
function initQuery(tableModel: TableModel, oldQuery = {}) {
let newQuery = { page:, page_size: query.value.page_size }
tableModel.columns.forEach(item => {
if (item.query?.type) {
const queryType = item.query.type
if ([null, undefined].indexOf(query.value[item.key]) == -1) {
newQuery[item.key] = query.value[item.key]
} else {
newQuery[item.key] = queryTypeDefaultValueDic[queryType]
return newQuery
const queryParams = computed(() => {
let queryParamsValue: QueryParams = {
param_list: [],
page: 0,
page_size: 0
props.tableModel.columns.forEach(col => {
if (
col.query?.type &&
[undefined, null, "", ""].indexOf(query.value[col.key]) == -1
) {
let queryType = col.query.type
let param: QueryParam = {
name: col.key,
type: queryTypeExpressDic[queryType] || '=',
value: query.value[col.key]
}); =;
queryParamsValue.page_size = query.value.page_size;
return queryParamsValue;
async function getTableData() {
try {
const res = await crudApi.queryCommon(queryParams.value)
tableData.value =;
count.value =;
} catch (e) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import type { QueryTypeEnum, ColumnTypeEnum } from "./types";
const queryTypeDefaultValueDic: { [key in QueryTypeEnum]?: any } = {
date: [null, null],
datetime: [null, null]
const queryTypeExpressDic: { [key in QueryTypeEnum]?: QueryExpress } = {
date: "range",
datetime: "range",
find_in_set: "find_in_set",
enum: "="
export { queryTypeDefaultValueDic, queryTypeExpressDic };

View File

@ -1,10 +1,27 @@
type QueryTypeEnum = "like" | "date" | "datetime" | "enum" | "find_in_set";
type ColumnTypeEnum =
| "string"
| "text"
| "float"
| "int"
| "date"
| "datetime"
| "file"
| "enum"
| "set";
interface QueryConfigBase {
type: string;
type: QueryTypeEnum;
interface QueryLike extends QueryConfigBase {
type: "like";
interface QueryDate extends QueryConfigBase {
type: "date";
interface QueryDatetime extends QueryConfigBase {
type: "datetime";
interface QueryEnum extends QueryConfigBase {
type: "enum";
options: any[] | { name: string; value: any }[];
@ -13,12 +30,16 @@ interface QueryFindInSet extends QueryConfigBase {
type: "find_in_set";
options: any[] | { name: string; value: any }[];
type QueryType = QueryLike | QueryEnum | QueryFindInSet;
type QueryType =
| QueryLike
| QueryEnum
| QueryFindInSet
| QueryDate
| QueryDatetime;
interface TableColumnConfigBase {
key: string;
type: string;
type: ColumnTypeEnum;
name: string;
showInTable?: boolean;
query?: QueryType;
addNeed?: boolean;
updateNeed?: boolean;
@ -32,6 +53,9 @@ interface ColumnString extends TableColumnConfigBase {
maxLenght: number;
interface ColumnText extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "text";
interface ColumnFloat extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "float";
@ -51,6 +75,10 @@ interface ColumnDateTime extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "datetime";
config?: {};
interface ColumnFile extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "file";
config?: {};
interface ColumnEnum extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "enum";
@ -73,9 +101,12 @@ type TableColumnConfig =
| ColumnDate
| ColumnDateTime
| ColumnEnum
| ColumnSet;
| ColumnSet
| ColumnFile
| ColumnText;
interface TableModel {
baseUrl?: string;
idKey: string;
tableName: string;
name: string;
@ -114,4 +145,4 @@ let BookTableModel: TableModel = {
export type { TableModel };
export type { TableModel, QueryTypeEnum, ColumnTypeEnum };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
interface QueryConfigBase {
type: string;
interface QueryLike extends QueryConfigBase {
type: "like";
interface QueryEnum extends QueryConfigBase {
type: "enum";
options: any[] | { name: string; value: any }[];
interface QueryFindInSet extends QueryConfigBase {
type: "find_in_set";
options: any[] | { name: string; value: any }[];
type QueryType = QueryLike | QueryEnum | QueryFindInSet;
interface TableColumnConfigBase {
key: string;
type: string;
name: string;
showInTable?: boolean;
query?: QueryType;
addNeed?: boolean;
updateNeed?: boolean;
config?: {};
default?: any;
interface ColumnString extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "string";
config?: {
maxLenght: number;
interface ColumnFloat extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "float";
config?: {};
interface ColumnInt extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "int";
config?: {};
interface ColumnDate extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "date";
config?: {};
interface ColumnDateTime extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "datetime";
config?: {};
interface ColumnEnum extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "enum";
config: {
options: any[] | { name: string; value: any }[];
interface ColumnSet extends TableColumnConfigBase {
type: "set";
config: {
options: any[] | { name: string; value: any }[];
type TableColumnConfig =
| ColumnString
| ColumnFloat
| ColumnInt
| ColumnDate
| ColumnDateTime
| ColumnEnum
| ColumnSet;
interface TableModel {
idKey: string;
tableName: string;
name: string;
columns: TableColumnConfig[];
let BookTableModel: TableModel = {
tableName: "book",
name: "书",
idKey: "id",
columns: [
key: "id",
type: "int",
name: "ID"
key: "name",
type: "string",
name: "名称"
key: "price",
type: "float",
name: "价格"
key: "belong",
type: "enum",
name: "所属分类",
config: {
options: [
{ value: 1, lable: "悬疑" },
{ value: 2, lable: "科普" }
export type { TableModel };

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"lib": ["dom", "esnext"],
"incremental": true,
"noImplicitAny": false,
"paths": {
"@/*": ["src/*"],
"@build/*": ["build/*"]