This commit is contained in:
xuyucheng 2022-11-18 18:24:25 +08:00
parent fbdeda1dff
commit bd2cc43036
32 changed files with 186 additions and 288 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
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<title><%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %></title>

public/small_logo.jpg Normal file

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,64 +1,67 @@
@import "./theme-color.scss";
// 深色主题
$dark-primary: #8276c9;
$dark-font-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, .87);
$dark-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, .87);
$dark-main: #232429;
$dark-aside: #27282e;
$dark-input: #191a1f;
$dark-border: #434343;
// 浅色主题
$light-primary: #587df1;
$light-font-color: #333;
$light-color: #333;
$light-main: #ededed;
$light-aside: #ffffff;
$light-input: rgb(86, 87, 88, .04);
$light-border: #434343;
// 通用主题
$success: #87d068;
$failure: #f50;
$warning: #E6A23C;
$info: #909399;
@mixin flex($justify) {
display: flex;
justify-content: $justify;
align-items: center;
// 按钮混合
@mixin primary-color($color) {
background-color: $color;
// 切换主色
@mixin primary-bgColor($bgColor: map-get($primary, 1), $color: $dark-color) {
background-color: $bgColor !important;
color: $color !important;
[data-theme="dark-theme"] & {
background-color: $dark-primary;
[data-theme="light-theme"] & {
background-color: $light-primary;
@each $key,
$val in $primary {
[primary-theme="primary.#{$key}"] & {
background-color: #{$val} !important;
// 主色文字
@mixin primary-color($color: map-get($primary, 1)) {
color: $color;
@each $key,
$val in $primary {
[primary-theme="primary.#{$key}"] & {
color: #{$val};
// 文字混合
@mixin font-color($color) {
color: $color;
[data-theme="dark-theme"] & {
color: $dark-font-color !important;
color: $dark-color;
[data-theme="light-theme"] & {
color: $light-font-color !important;
color: $light-color;
// 主题背景
@mixin input-color($color) {
background-color: $color;
@include font-color($dark-font-color);
@include font-color($dark-color);
[data-theme="dark-theme"] & {
background-color: $dark-input;
@ -86,41 +89,30 @@ $info: #909399;
padding: 20px;
height: 100%;
background-color: $color;
color: $dark-font-color;
color: $dark-color;
box-shadow: 0 1px 5px 0 rgb(57 66 60 / 20%);
[data-theme="dark-theme"] & {
background-color: $dark-aside;
p,i {
color: $dark-font-color !important;
[data-theme="light-theme"] & {
background-color: $light-aside;
p,i {
color: $light-font-color !important;
font-weight: 600 !important;
@mixin bg-model-color($color) {
background-color: $color;
color: $dark-font-color;
color: $dark-color;
[data-theme="dark-theme"] & {
background-color: $dark-aside;
color: $dark-font-color ;
color: $dark-color ;
[data-theme="light-theme"] & {
background-color: $light-aside;
color: $light-font-color ;
color: $light-color ;
font-weight: 600;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
$primary: (
1: #9373EE,
2: #5F80E9,
3: #587DF1,
4: #9A7D56,
5: #00C3EE,
6: #039E74,
7: #FA8C16,
8: #E86CA4,
9: #FD6874,
10: #8E8374,
// 通用主题
$success: #87d068;
$failure: #f50;
$warning: #E6A23C;
$info: #909399;

View File

@ -11,19 +11,12 @@
border: none;
background-color: transparent;
margin-top: 20px;
&-item {
span {
font-size: 12px;
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
span {
margin-right: 80px;
span {
font-size: 12px;
@include font-color($dark-color)

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ span {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
font-family: 'SRL';
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
@include font-color($dark-color);
font-size: 14px;
@ -105,16 +105,6 @@ th {
border-bottom: 0px !important;
.el-tabs__item {
background-color: #212121
} {
span {
color: #8276c9 !important;
h2 {
font-size: 16px;
font-family: 800;
@ -126,7 +116,7 @@ h2:before {
display: inline-block;
width: 3px;
height: 18px;
background: #ff9347;
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
border-radius: 2px;
position: relative;
top: 12px;
@ -138,15 +128,23 @@ h2:before {
cursor: pointer;
margin-right: 15px;
border: none;
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
.el-tag__close {
@include font-color($dark-font-color);
& {
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
.el-tag__close:hover {
background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87) !important;
color: $dark-primary !important;
&__item:focus {
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
&__close {
color: $dark-color !important;
&__close:hover {
background-color: $dark-color !important;
color: $light-color !important;
@ -166,7 +164,7 @@ h2:before {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
border: none;
@ -183,23 +181,13 @@ h2:before {
.el-button {
font-size: 12px;
border-radius: 2px;
border: none;
&--primary {
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
&--default {
span {
color: $dark-primary;
&--primary:focus {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
border: none;
&--text {
span {
color: $dark-primary;
color: $dark-color !important;
@ -302,7 +290,7 @@ input[type="number"] {
&__inner:focus {
border: 1px solid $dark-primary;
border: 1px solid map-get($primary, 1);
&.is-disabled &__inner {
@ -313,20 +301,22 @@ input[type="number"] {
.el-select { .el-input__inner {
border: 1px solid $dark-primary;
border: 1px solid map-get($primary, 1);
.el-input__inner:focus {
border: 1px solid $dark-primary;
border: 1px solid map-get($primary, 1);
&-dropdown {
background-color: #232429;
@include bg-aside-color($dark-aside);
border: none;
height: auto;
padding: 10px;
&__item.hover {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1));
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
@ -334,7 +324,7 @@ input[type="number"] { .el-select-dropdown__item.selected.hover, .el-select-dropdown__item.selected {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
@ -347,12 +337,12 @@ input[type="number"] {
&__inner:focus {
border: 1px solid $dark-primary;
border: 1px solid map-get($primary, 1);
} .el-pager li:not(.disabled).active {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
.ace-tm {
@ -376,7 +366,7 @@ input[type="number"] {
.el-popover {
background-color: #232429;
@include input-color($dark-input);
border: none;
@ -402,26 +392,22 @@ input[type="number"] {
} .el-radio__inner {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
border: 1px solid $dark-primary;
border: 1px solid map-get($primary, 1);
} {
color: $dark-primary;
} {} {
color: $dark-primary;
} {} .el-checkbox__inner, .el-checkbox__inner {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
border: 1px solid $dark-primary;
border: 1px solid map-get($primary, 1);
.el-notification {
background-color: #232429;
border: none;
&__title {
@ -445,7 +431,7 @@ input[type="number"] {
.el-picker-panel {
background-color: #232429;
border: none;
&__icon-btn {
@ -461,13 +447,13 @@ input[type="number"] {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
.el-date-table td.current:not(.disabled) span {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
.el-date-table td.current:not(.disabled) span {}
.el-dropdown-menu {
background-color: #232429;
@include bg-aside-color($dark-aside);
border: none;
height: auto;
padding: 10px;
&__item {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
@ -476,12 +462,11 @@ input[type="number"] {
.el-dropdown-menu__item:not(.is-disabled):hover {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1));
.el-cascader__dropdown {
background-color: #232429;
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1));
border: none;
@ -492,11 +477,11 @@ input[type="number"] {
.el-cascader-node:not(.is-disabled):hover {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1));
} {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1));
.el-cascader-menu {
@ -534,23 +519,31 @@ input[type="number"] {
&-node__content:hover {
border-radius: 6px;
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
&-node:focus>&-node__content {
border-radius: 6px;
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
.el-step {
&__line {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
&__icon {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87);
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
&-inner {
font-size: 12px;
& {
border: none;
& {
@ -558,19 +551,15 @@ input[type="number"] {
& {
color: $dark-primary;
@include primary-color(map-get($primary, 1));
& {
color: $dark-primary;
@include primary-color(map-get($primary, 1));
& {
color: $dark-primary;
&__icon-inner {
font-size: 12px;
@include primary-color(map-get($primary, 1));

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
.el-container {
height: 100%;
background: url("~@/assets/img/background.jpg") center no-repeat;
.el-main {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
.form-box {
width: 350px;
.el-image {
width: 200px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.el-button {
width: 100%;
.el-form {
width: 100%;
padding: 20px 50px;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 20px;
.el-form-item {
width: 100%;
::v-deep .el-input__inner {
border-radius: 2px;
font-family: "SRL";
.el-row {
margin-top: 10px;
.el-image {
width: 30px;
margin-right: 20px;
.el-input {
margin-right: 20px;
.el-button {
width: 120px;
border-radius: 2px;

View File

@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ export default {
cursor: pointer;
::v-deep .el-table th {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
::v-deep .el-table th.el-table__cell {
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
/* 表格内背景颜色 */

View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ export default {
::v-deep .el-table th {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
/* 表格内背景颜色 */

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ export default {
.active-bell {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
color: #fff;
padding: 5px 10px;
border-radius: 6px;

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import logo from "assets/img/small_logo.jpg";
import search from "./search";
import bell from "./bell";
import theme from "./theme";
import request from "@/api/request"
import request from "@/api/request";
export default {
components: { search, bell, theme },
props: {
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ export default {
searchVisible: false,
bellVisible: false,
themeVisible: false,
themeVisible: true,
data: this.$store.state.user,
menu: [
@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ export default {
methods: {
async init() {
const res = await request.get("user/detail"); = res;
this.$store.commit("set_user", res);
if (res.role !== "管理员") { = => {
@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ export default {
background-color: transparent !important;
span {
color: #8276c9 !important;
@include primary-color(map-get($primary, 1));
@ -241,6 +242,6 @@ export default {
.menu-p:focus {
color: $dark-primary;
@include primary-color(map-get($primary, 1));

View File

@ -145,6 +145,10 @@
<el-row type="flex" justify="space-between" style="margin:20px 0">
<div class="color-badge" v-for="(item,index) in data" :key="index" :style="{background:item.color}" @click="setPrimaryColor(item)"></div>
@ -156,9 +160,25 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
subVisible: false,
data: [
{ title: "primary.1", color: " #9373EE" },
{ title: "primary.2", color: "#5F80E9" },
{ title: "primary.3", color: "#587DF1" },
{ title: "primary.4", color: "#9A7D56" },
{ title: "primary.5", color: "#00C3EE" },
{ title: "primary.6", color: "#039E74" },
{ title: "primary.7", color: "#FA8C16" },
{ title: "primary.8", color: "#E86CA4" },
{ title: "primary.9", color: "#FD6874" },
{ title: "primary.10", color: "#8E8374" },
created() {
// this.setTheme("light-theme")
methods: {
cancel() {
this.$emit("cancel", false);
@ -167,17 +187,19 @@ export default {
setTheme(theme) {
window.document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", theme);
watch: {
visible: {
handler(newVal) {
this.subVisible = newVal;
immediate: true,
@ -204,4 +226,11 @@ span {
margin-left: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
.color-badge {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;

View File

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ export default {
.subcategory {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
padding: 10px 20px;
border-radius: 6px;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<el-row type="flex" justify="space-between" slot="header" align="middle">
{{ data.cname }}
<el-tag size="small" style="margin-left: 20px">
<el-tag size="small" class="header-tag">
{{ data.category }}
@ -192,6 +192,11 @@ export default {
overflow: auto;
.header-tag {
margin-left: 20px;
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
::v-deep .el-card__body {
height: calc(100% - 150px);

View File

@ -338,12 +338,12 @@ export default {
p:hover {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
border-radius: 6px;
.tree-active {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
border-radius: 6px;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<el-row type="flex" justify="space-between" slot="header" align="middle">
{{ }}
<el-tag size="small" style="margin-left: 20px">
<el-tag size="small" class="header-tag">
<span>{{ data.major_category }}</span>
<span>{{ data.subcategory }}</span>
@ -371,6 +371,11 @@ export default {
overflow: auto;
.header-tag {
margin-left: 20px;
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
::v-deep .el-card__body {
padding: 0 20px;
@ -381,25 +386,14 @@ export default {
.el-tab-pane {
height: 100%;
::v-deep .el-tabs__item {
color: $dark-color;
.el-tabs {
height: calc(100% - 80px);
::v-deep &__item {
color: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.87) !important;
::v-deep & {
color: $dark-primary !important;
::v-deep &__item:hover,
::v-deep &__item:focus {
color: $dark-primary !important;
::v-deep .el-tabs__nav-wrap::after{
height: 0px;
.edit {
@ -410,10 +404,6 @@ export default {
width: 138px;
::v-deep .el-textarea__inner {
min-height: 200px !important;
.el-select {
width: 100%;

View File

@ -226,12 +226,11 @@ export default {
p:hover {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
border-radius: 6px;
.tree-active {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
border-radius: 6px;

View File

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ export default {
.question {
font-size: 24px;
color: $dark-primary;

View File

@ -183,12 +183,12 @@ export default {
p:hover {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
border-radius: 6px;
.tree-active {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
border-radius: 6px;

View File

@ -186,59 +186,12 @@ export default {
.tabs-tag:hover {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
.is-active {
@include primary-color($dark-primary);
color: $dark-font-color !important;
::v-deep .el-tag__close {
color: $dark-font-color !important;
@include primary-bgColor(map-get($primary, 1), $dark-color);
.el-tabs {
height: 100%;
::v-deep &__item {
margin-right: 10px;
border-radius: 6px;
span {
font-size: 12px;
::v-deep & {
padding-left: 20px !important;
::v-deep & {
padding-right: 20px !important;
::v-deep &__nav-wrap::after {
background-color: transparent;
::v-deep &__content {
height: calc(100% - 50px);
::v-deep &__active-bar {
background-color: transparent;
.el-tab-pane {
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
.pane-box {
width: calc(100% + 5px);
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;